Schedule: Monday - Saturday - 0:00 - 0:00, Sunday - 0:00 - 0:00

DEO Training

HCC DEO Training Sessions

HCC DEO training session: New ALL CRF training

HCC DEO training session: NEW AML CRF training

HCC DEO training session- Lymphoma and CML- Part II

HCC DEO training session- Lymphoma and CML- Part I

HCC DEO training session- AML and ALL

HCC Workshop for Data Entry Operators 27th May 2022

Introduction to HCC

Basics about Hematologic cancers

CDMC: Data collection system & Data quality

HCC online platform & Pitfalls in data collections with examples

APML: Overview & explanation of terminologies used in software

ALL: Overview & explanation of terminologies used in software

HCC Workshop for Data Entry Operators 28th May 2022

AML: Overview & explanation of terminologies used in software

CML: Overview & explanation of terminologies used in software

Lymphoma: Overview & explanation of terminologies used in software

Hands-on experience on the software Interactive session

Closing Remarks